Entries by Kelly Reeve

Sierra wins Best of the Best Award for 2020!

Sierra Inspection Services has received the Reader’s Choice Award for Best Home Inspector in El Dorado Hills, 2020 by the Folsom Telegraph Newspaper! Thank you to all of our past and present customers for your support in voting for us, your trust and loyalty are very much appreciated!!

Residential Real Estate officially an “Essential Service”

Last night the California Association of Realtors issued guidance stating specifically that Residential Real Estate is now considered an “Essential Industry” based on the latest update from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). You can read the official statement here: https://www.car.org/…/abo…/mediacenter/news/essentialservice Since Governor Newsom’s March 4, 2020 order incorporates […]

Sierra Inspection Services is really stepping up our game in 2019!

Happy New Year! We now include HomeBinder with a lifetime subscription ($360.00 Value) for all of our new Home Inspection clients! Features include: New Homeowner Reference Guide explains the function and operation of the various systems and components in your home … learn and explore. Appliance Recall Alerts that notify you if any appliances in […]

Proper Co2 Detector Placement

If you don’t have carbon monoxide detectors in your home, you should absolutely install them. And if you do already have them, you’ll want to be sure they are in the proper locations in your home. If you have any fuel burning heater or appliance, fireplace, or attached garage, you must have a carbon monoxide […]

You shouldn’t use hot tap water for cooking, here’s why…

Heat does make things dissolve more readily, whether that is your favorite coffee beans or tea leaves or seasonings. This same principle applies for chemicals in pipes such as the solder holding pipes together in older homes, And even modern plumbing materials such as PEX lines. According to Beth Skwarecki with LifeHacker, engineer Andrew Whelton’s […]

How to Detect Sprinkler Leaks

Due to popular demand, we have added optional sprinkler system inspection to our home inspection service. Call us today to order your Home Inspection! How to Detect Sprinkler Leaks Our latest post comes to us from SFGate’s Home Guides ,www.homeguides.sfgate.com A leaking irrigation system can lead to many lawn problems. Water may pool in lower […]

Solar Electric, the “shocking” truth

Today’s blog post comes to us courtesy of the Solar Energy Industries Association. I have quite a few clients ask about Photo-voltaic electrical systems which are becoming quite popular. Here are the facts, I hope you find it interesting. Photovoltaic (Solar Electric) Photovoltaic (PV) devices generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process that […]