Happy New Year!
We now include HomeBinder with a lifetime subscription ($360.00 Value) for all of our new Home Inspection clients!
Features include:
- New Homeowner Reference Guide explains the function and operation of the various systems and components in your home … learn and explore.
- Appliance Recall Alerts that notify you if any appliances in your home have been recalled by the manufacturer.
- Schedule Maintenance Reminders for your homes reoccurring maintenance needs like replacing air filters and draining sprinkler lines.
- Store Contractor Information to always remember the handymen who work on your home so you know who to call for repairs.
- Organize Home Projects by storing photos, paint colors, and project costs for easy repairs and tax deductions at the time of sale .
New Report format, even easier to read, with lots of links to relevant and informative articles for our clients about systems and components in their new home.
New Action Items List (Click here for video) automatically generated to the Buyer’s agent for each home inspection report to make filling out your request for repairs simple and easy!
Order your inspection(s) today, it’s easy!
Don’t forget to visit our site again soon for more new and exciting features!